An abstraction is a mathematical representation of a (spatial or spatiotemporal) Phenomenon.
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- airfoil
- amphidromic-points
- apex
- aphelion
- atterberg-liquid-limit
- atterberg-plastic-limit
- atterberg-shrinkage-limit
- axis
- base-level
- binary-mask
- black-body
- boundary
- cantor-set
- cell
- center
- centerline
- centroid
- circle
- column
- contour
- convection-diffusion-equation
- core-mantle-boundary
- crest
- crestline
- crust-mantle-boundary
- curve
- data-stream
- datum
- dual-cell
- dual-node
- ecliptic
- ellipse
- ellipsoid
- enclosing-curve
- endpoint
- epicenter
- equation
- equation-of-state
- equator
- equilibrium-line
- expression
- focus
- friedmann-universe
- function
- geocenter
- geodesic
- geodetic-datum
- geoid
- graph
- vertical-gravimetric-datum
- grid
- heat-equation
- hypocenter
- image
- instrument-response
- isocline
- isosurface
- land-mask
- line
- lithosphere-asthenosphere-boundary
- location
- magnetic-north-pole
- magnetic-south-pole
- market-basket
- mask
- model
- mohr-coulomb-plastic
- msl-tidal-vertical-datum
- navier-stokes-equation
- node
- north-pole
- origin
- parabola
- partition
- peano-curve
- perihelion
- plan
- plane
- plug-layer
- point
- point-pair
- point-set
- poisson-equation
- pole
- polygon
- polynomial
- potential-temperature-isosurface
- primary-cell
- primary-node
- profile
- ray
- response-filter
- rooted-tree-graph
- row
- row-major-offset
- sea-mask
- seaward-boundary
- semi-major-axis
- semi-minor-axis
- shape
- shear-layer
- shell
- shoreline
- sierpinski-gasket
- sine-wave
- south-pole
- sphere
- square
- streamline
- surface
- terrestrial-north-pole
- terrestrial-south-pole
- tidal-vertical-datum
- transect
- trapezoid
- tree-graph
- triangle
- trough
- vertex
- vertical-axis
- vertical-geodetic-datum
- viewpoint
- virtual-north-pole
- wave
- x-axis
- x-dual-node
- x-primary-node
- x-section
- y-dual-node
- y-primary-node
- z-dual-node
- z-primary-node
- axis~x
- surface~2m-above
- surface~10m-above
- surface~horizontal
- x-section~vertical
- axis~vertical
- x-section~horizontal
- boundary~seaward
- surface~0-to-10cm-below
- surface~0-to-100cm-below
- surface~10-to-40cm-below
- surface~40-to-100cm-below
- surface~100-to-200cm-below
- axis~east
- target
- datum~vertical~tidal~mean-sea-level