
Definition: Nodularins are potent toxins produced by the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena, among others. This aquatic, photosynthetic cyanobacterium forms visible colonies that present as algal blooms in brackish water bodies throughout the world. The late summer blooms of Nodularia spumigena are among the largest cyanobacterial mass occurrences in the world. Cyanobacteria are composed of many toxic substances, most notably of microcystins and nodularins: the two are not easily differentiated. A significant homology of structure and function exists between the two, and microcystins have been studied in greater detail. Because of this, facts from microcystins are often extended to nodularins.Nodularin-R is the predominant toxin variant, though 10 variants of nodularin have been discovered to date. Nodularins are cyclic nonribosomal pentapeptides and contain several unusual non-proteinogenic amino acids such as N-methyl-didehydroaminobutyric acid and the β-amino acid ADDA. These compounds are relatively stable compounds: light, temperature, and microwaves do little to degrade the compounds.Nodularins are often attributed to gastroenteritis, allergic irritation reactions, and liver diseases. Nodularin-R is most notorious as a potent hepatotoxin that may cause serious damage to the liver of humans and other animals. The WHO drinking water concentration limit for nodularins (extended from microcystins-LR) is 1.5 ug /L.
Source: Wikipedia
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