A Property is any characteristic or quality of a Phenomenon.
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- seasonal_index
- duration_index
- geospatial_flood_depth_exceedance_index
- stress_period_duration
- stress_period_time_step_count
- successive_time_step_multiplier
- stress_period_count
- anisotropy_factor
- standardized_wetness_index
- standardized_drought_intensity_index
- thornthwaite_potential_volume
- phenological_stage
- height_flood_index
- usdanrcs_curve_number
- curve_number
- separation_distance
- volume-per-area_concentration
- volume-per-area_storage_capacity
- volume-per-area_storage_density
- received_price-per-mass
- price-per-mass
- cost-per-mass
- cost-per-area
- reduced_cost_fraction
- cost_fraction
- 50-percent_attenuation_depth
- 99-percent_attenuation_depth
- abbe_number
- fluid_permeability
- absolute_permeability
- absolute_permittivity
- absolute_salinity
- absorbance
- absorptance
- acceleration
- acid-neutralizing_amount-per-volume_capacity
- acid-neutralizing_mass-per-time_capacity
- acid-neutralizing_mass-per-volume_capacity
- acidity
- acoustic_impedance
- activation_energy
- activity_coefficient
- activity_ratio
- activity-per-mass_radioactivity
- activity-per-volume_radioactivity
- actual_angle
- aerodynamic_conductance
- aerodynamic_resistance
- age
- albedo
- algal_growth_potential
- along-shore_coordinate
- altitude
- amount
- amount_concentration
- amount_fraction
- amount-per-volume_capacity
- angle
- angstrom_exponent
- angular_frequency
- angular_momentum
- angular_speed
- angular_velocity
- angular_wavenumber
- antoine-vapor-pressure_a_parameter
- antoine-vapor-pressure_b_parameter
- antoine-vapor-pressure_c_parameter
- apparent_viscosity
- apparent-magnitude_scale
- approach_angle
- archimedes_number
- area
- surface_area
- area_fraction
- area_ratio
- area-diameter_shape_factor
- area-perimeter_shape_factor
- arrhenius_number
- ashton-et-al_approach_angle_asymmetry_parameter
- ashton-et-al_approach_angle_highness_parameter
- aspect_angle
- aspect_ratio
- relative_atomic_mass
- atomic_weight
- atomic-mass_constant
- atomization_enthalpy
- attenuation_coefficient
- atterberg_activity_index
- atterberg_liquidity_index
- atterberg_plasticity_index
- atwood_number
- authalic_latitude
- available_potential_energy
- skin_temperature
- avogadro_constant
- azimuth_angle
- azimuth_angle_tangent-vector
- bagnold_number
- beer-lambert-law_attenuation_coefficient
- bejan_number
- bingham_number
- binomial_coefficient
- biot_number
- bits-per-area_density
- blake_number
- bodenstein_number
- body_force_term
- bohr_radius_constant
- boltzmann_constant
- bolus_velocity
- bolus_vorticity
- bond_albedo
- bowen_ratio
- breakover_angle
- brinkman_number
- brooks-corey_b_parameter
- brooks-corey_eta_parameter
- brooks-corey_lambda_parameter
- brooks-corey-smith_c_parameter
- brooks-corey-smith_pressure_head_offset_parameter
- brownell-katz_number
- brunt-vaisala_frequency
- brutsaert_emissivity_factor
- bubbling_pressure_head
- interfacial_hydraulic_conductance
- hydraulic_conductance
- bulk_aerodynamic_conductance
- bulk_heat_transfer_coefficient
- bulk_latent_heat_aerodynamic_conductance
- bulk_latent_heat_transfer_coefficient
- bulk_mass_aerodynamic_conductance
- bulk_mass_transfer_coefficient
- bulk_modulus
- bulk_momentum_aerodynamic_conductance
- bulk_momentum_transfer_coefficient
- bulk_richardson_number
- bulk_sensible_heat_aerodynamic_conductance
- bulk_sensible_heat_transfer_coefficient
- callibrator_cell-equivalents_concentration
- camber_angle
- camber_force
- capillary_length
- capillary_number
- carbonate_hardness
- cardinal_direction
- carrying_capacity
- casson-model_a_parameter
- casson-model_viscosity_coefficient
- caster_angle
- catalan_constant
- cation-exchange_capacity
- cell-equivalents_concentration
- chaitin_constant
- chandrasekhar_number
- year-start_mass
- year-end_mass
- final_mass
- initial_mass
- chandrasekhar-limit_mass
- characteristic_frequency
- chemical_affinity
- chezy-formula_coefficient
- cilton-colburn_j_factor
- circulation
- circumference
- clearance_height
- closure_depth
- cohesion_yield_stress
- cold_energy-per-area_density
- combustion_enthalpy
- composite_standard_length
- compressibility
- compressive_strength
- compton_wavelength
- meander_wavelength
- condensation_enthalpy
- conduction_heat_energy_flux
- conformal_latitude
- consumer_price_index
- contact_area
- contributing_area
- convection_heat_energy_flux
- convection_term
- convective_acceleration_term
- convective_available_potential_energy
- convective_inhibition
- conway_constant
- coordinate
- coriolis_frequency
- cosmological_constant
- coulomb_constant
- count
- count_concentration
- count_fraction
- count_fraction_salinity
- count_ratio
- count-per-hour_rate
- count-per-mass_concentration
- count-per-mass_radioactivity
- count-per-volume_density
- count-per-volume_radioactivity
- courant_number
- coverage_area_fraction
- coverage_severity_code
- credit
- crest_factor
- critical_density
- critical_seismic_slip_distance
- critical_shear_stress
- cross-shore_coordinate
- cross-stream_coordinate
- current_density
- curvature
- curvature_radius
- meander_curvature_radius
- cutoff_depth
- cutoff_tension_stress
- d-infinity_contributing_area
- d-infinity_slope
- d50_diameter
- d8_contributing_area
- d8_length
- d8_width
- d8_slope
- d84_diameter
- damkohler_number
- damping_ratio
- darcy_friction_factor
- darcy_number
- darcy_velocity
- dean_number
- deborah_number
- debt
- declination_angle
- degree-day_coefficient
- degree-day_threshold_temperature
- degrees-per-hour_speed
- relative_density
- depth
- depth_index
- depth-vs-discharge_coefficient
- depth-vs-discharge_exponent
- depth-vs-half-width_coefficient
- depth-vs-half-width_exponent
- detection
- detection_count
- determination_coefficient
- deviatoric_plastic_strain
- deviatoric_strain_rate
- deviatoric_stress
- diameter
- diameter-perimeter_shape_factor
- diffuse_energy_flux
- diffusion_term
- diffusivity
- dip_angle
- direct_energy_flux
- discharge_coefficient
- displacement
- displacement_length
- dissolution_enthalpy
- distance
- diurnal_temperature
- cumulative_thermal_time
- thermal_time
- diversity_index
- draft_depth
- drag_coefficient
- drag_force
- drainage_density
- drift_speed
- drift_velocity
- dukhin_number
- duration
- dvorak_current_intensity_number
- dvorak_number
- total_pressure
- dynamic_pressure
- dynamic_stress
- dynamic_viscosity
- e_constant
- eccentricity
- eckert_number
- yield_elasticity
- supply_elasticity
- economic_elasticity
- effective_hydraulic_conductivity
- effective_saturated_hydraulic_conductivity
- ekman_number
- electric_charge-per-area_density
- electric_energy
- electric_potential
- electric_susceptibility
- electric_charge
- electric-charge-to-mass_ratio
- electric-d-field
- electric-e-field
- electric-p-field
- electrical_conductance
- electrical_conductivity
- electrical_efficiency
- electrical_impedance
- electrical_impedance_constant
- electrical_resistivity
- electron_affinity
- elementary-electric-charge_constant
- elevation
- elevation_angle
- elevation_rate
- eliassen-palm_flux
- emissivity
- emissivity_factor
- end_time
- local_time
- energy
- energy_diffusivity
- heat_diffusivity
- energy_flux
- energy_intensity
- energy-per-area_density
- energy-per-mass_density
- energy-per-volume_density
- energy-per-volume_rate
- energy-per-wavelength_flux
- enthalpy
- enthalpy_concentration
- enthalpy-per-volume_density
- environmental_static_pressure_lapse_rate
- environmental_temperature_lapse_rate
- equatorial_radius
- equivalence_ratio
- equivalent_potential_temperature
- equivalent_reflectivity_factor
- equivalent_temperature
- equivalent_thickness
- ericksen_number
- etovos_number
- euler_gamma_constant
- euler_number
- eulers_number
- potential_energy_flux
- penman-monteith_reference_volume_flux
- excess_temperature_coefficient
- exner_function
- expansion_coefficient
- expected_return_period
- extensional_viscosity
- extent
- areal_extent
- fanning_friction_factor
- feigenbaum_alpha_constant
- feigenbaum_delta_constant
- critical_head
- fine-structure_constant
- first_radiation_constant
- flare_angle
- flattening_ratio
- flint-law_coefficient
- flint-law_exponent
- flux_richardson_number
- foppl-von-karman_number
- force
- force_term
- formazin_nephelometric_turbidity
- fourier_number
- freeboard_height
- fresnel_number
- friction_angle
- friction_coefficient
- friction_factor
- friction_head
- frictional_conduction_heat_energy_flux
- froude_number
- fugacity
- g1_s_coordinate
- g2_s_coordinate
- gain_ratio
- galilei_number
- gas_constant_ratio
- gaussian_curvature
- geocentric_latitude
- geodetic_latitude
- geometric_albedo
- geopotential_height
- geothermal_conduction_heat_energy_flux
- geothermal_heat_energy_flux
- gibbs_free_energy
- glen-law_coefficient
- glen-law_exponent
- golden-ratio_constant
- googol_constant
- gortler_number
- gradient_richardson_number
- graetz_number
- grashof_number
- gravitational_acceleration
- gravitational-coupling_constant
- green-ampt_capillary_length
- gross_activity-per-mass_radioactivity
- gross_activity-per-volume_radioactivity
- gross_mass-per-mass_radioactivity
- group_speed
- group_velocity
- group-speed-to-phase-speed_ratio
- gutenberg-richter-law_a_parameter
- gutenberg-richter-law_b_parameter
- h_love_number
- hack-law_coefficient
- hack-law_exponent
- hagen_number
- hartree_energy_constant
- hatta_number
- hausdorff_dimension
- havnes_parameter
- head
- heat
- heat_aerodynamic_conductance
- heat_capacity
- heat_capacity_ratio
- heat_energy_flux
- heat_roughness_length
- heat_transfer_coefficient
- heat-content_temperature
- height
- height-to-depth_ratio
- width-to-depth_ratio
- herschel-bulkley_coefficient
- herschel-bulkley_exponent
- hooke-law_coefficient
- horton_bifurcation_ratio
- horton-strahler_order
- hydration_enthalpy
- hydraulic_conductivity
- relative_hydraulic_conductivity
- hydraulic_geometry_depth-vs-discharge_coefficient
- hydraulic_geometry_depth-vs-discharge_exponent
- hydraulic_geometry_depth-vs-half-width_exponent
- hydraulic_geometry_slope-vs-discharge_coefficient
- hydraulic_geometry_slope-vs-discharge_exponent
- hydraulic_geometry_speed-vs-discharge_coefficient
- hydraulic_geometry_speed-vs-discharge_exponent
- hydraulic_geometry_width-vs-discharge_coefficient
- hydraulic_geometry_width-vs-discharge_exponent
- hydraulic_head
- hydraulic_radius
- hydraulic_roughness
- relative_hydraulic_roughness
- hydrogenation_enthalpy
- hygroscopic_pressure_head
- hygroscopic_volume_fraction
- ideal_angle
- ideal_gas_constant
- impulse
- in-vivo_fluorescence
- incidence_angle
- incident_energy_flux
- inclination_angle
- income
- indentation_hardness
- inflation_pressure
- initial_altitude
- initial_angular_momentum
- initial_depth
- initial_elevation
- initial_hydraulic_conductivity
- initial_latitude
- initial_length
- initial_leq_depth
- initial_longitude
- initial_normalized_volume_fraction
- initial_speed
- initial_thickness
- initial_time_step
- initial_velocity
- initial_volume
- initial_volume_fraction
- instantaneous_precipitation_volume_flux
- instantaneous_volume_flow_rate
- storage_factor
- internal_code_index
- internal_energy
- intrinsic_angular_frequency
- ionic_conductivity
- iribarren_number
- isometric_latitude
- jackson_turbidity
- jakob_number
- jerk
- jounce
- k_love_number
- k-t-over-v_number
- kelley-blue-book_price
- keulegan-carpenter_number
- khinchin_constant
- kinematic_viscosity
- kinetic_energy
- kinetic_energy_diffusivity
- kinetic_friction_coefficient
- knudsen_number
- kutateladze_number
- lame_first_parameter
- laplace_number
- laplacian_term
- mass-specific_latent_heat
- mass-specific_latent_heat_capacity
- mole-specific_latent_heat
- latent_heat_aerodynamic_conductance
- net_latent_heat_energy_flux
- latent_heat_energy_flux
- latent_heat_transfer_coefficient
- latitude
- leading_coefficient
- leaf-area_index
- length
- length-per-area_density
- leq_depth
- leq_volume_flux
- lewis_number
- lift_coefficient
- lift_force
- momentum
- speed
- velocity
- velocity_ratio
- linear_wavenumber
- lockhart-martinelli_parameter
- log-law_displacement_length
- log-law_heat_roughness_length
- log-law_roughness_length
- longitude
- longwave_energy
- luminous_efficiency
- lundquist_number
- mach_number
- magnetic_diffusivity
- magnetic_permeability
- magnetic_permeability_constant
- relative_magnetic_permeability
- magnetic_reynolds_number
- magnetic_susceptibility
- magnetic-b-field
- magnetic-h-field
- magnetic-m-field
- manning-formula_k_parameter
- manning-formula_n_parameter
- marangoni_number
- markstein_number
- mass
- mass_aerodynamic_conductance
- mass_concentration
- mass_diffusivity
- gross_mass_rate
- net_mass_rate
- mass_flux
- mass_fraction
- mass_mixing_ratio
- mass_number
- atomic_number
- mass_rate
- mass_ratio
- mass_streamfunction
- mass_transfer_coefficient
- mass-flux_contributing_area
- count-per-area_density
- mass-per-area_density
- gross_mass-per-area_density
- mass-per-area_rate
- mass-per-area_yield
- mass-per-mass_radioactivity
- mass-per-time_capacity
- mass-per-time_yield
- mass-per-unit_density
- mass-per-volume_alkalinity
- mass-per-volume_capacity
- mass-per-volume_demand_rate
- bulk_mass-per-volume_density
- mass-per-volume_density
- mass-per-volume_radioactivity
- mass-per-volume_rate
- mass-per-volume_salinity
- mass-per-volume_solubility
- mass-per-volume_turbidity
- mass-per-width_flow_rate
- mass-per-width_rate
- mass-specific_enthalpy
- mass-specific_gas_constant
- mass-specific_heat
- mass-specific_heat_capacity
- mass-to-electric-charge_ratio
- mechanical_efficiency
- mechanical_hardness
- mechanical_impedance
- melt_factor
- mixing_enthalpy
- mixing_ratio
- modified-mercalli-intensity_scale
- modified-omori-law_c_parameter
- modified-omori-law_k_parameter
- modified-omori-law_p_parameter
- modulus
- molal_concentration
- molar_concentration
- molar_conductivity
- molar_mixing_ratio
- mole_flow_rate
- mole_flux
- count-per-area_density_fraction
- mole_fraction
- mole_rate
- mole-specific_gas_constant
- mole-specific_heat
- mole-specific_heat_capacity
- relative_molecular_mass
- moles
- moment_energy
- moment-magnitude_scale
- momentum_aerodynamic_conductance
- momentum_diffusivity
- momentum_flux
- momentum_transfer_coefficient
- morton_number
- most-probable_number_count
- motor-trend-magazine_safety_rating
- spf_rating
- msrp_price
- nephelometric_turbidity
- net_volume_flux
- neutral_heat_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_bulk_heat_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_latent_heat_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_bulk_latent_heat_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_mass_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_bulk_mass_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_momentum_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_bulk_momentum_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_sensible_heat_transfer_coefficient
- neutral_bulk_sensible_heat_transfer_coefficient
- neutron_number
- new_price
- noncarbonate_hardness
- nonunique_count-per-hour_rate
- normal_curvature
- normal-vector
- normalized_area-diameter_shape_factor
- normalized_area-perimeter_shape_factor
- normalized_diameter-perimeter_shape_factor
- normalized_distance
- normalized_hydraulic_conductivity
- normalized_volume_fraction
- nusselt_number
- nutation_period
- nutation_rate
- obukhov_length
- odor_severity_code
- offset_depth
- ohnesorge_number
- opening_angle
- transparency
- orbital_energy
- orbital_period
- orbital_speed
- origin_time
- osmotic_pressure
- output_power
- initial_preconsolidation_head
- preconsolidation_head
- initial_head
- constant_head
- oxidation-reduction_potential
- partial_pressure
- storage_coefficient
- primary_storage_coefficient
- secondary_storage_coefficient
- elastic_skeletal_storage_coefficient
- inelastic_skeletal_storage_coefficient
- partition_coefficient
- peclet_number
- peel_number
- per-mil_ratio
- per-time_radioactivity
- per-volume_alkalinity
- per-wavelength_emittance
- perimeter
- period
- permittivity_constant
- relative_permittivity
- perveance
- khandelwal_identification_code
- hydrobasins_identification_code
- species_identification_code
- line-or-genotype_identification_code
- pfafstetter_code
- ph
- phase_angle
- phase_speed
- phase_velocity
- phi_coordinate
- philip_sorptivity
- pi_constant
- pierce_parameter
- planck_constant
- planck_electric-charge_constant
- planck_length_constant
- planck_mass_constant
- planck_temperature_constant
- planck_time_constant
- plasma-physics_beta_constant
- plate_count_concentration
- platinum-cobalt_scale
- poisson_ratio
- polar_radius
- residual_porosity
- porosity
- postal_code
- potential_energy
- potential_volume_flux
- potential_range_distance
- potential_temperature
- potential_vorticity
- power
- power_factor
- power_number
- power-law-viscosity-law_reference_viscosity
- power-law-viscosity-law_viscosity
- power-law-viscosity-law_activation_energy
- power-law-viscosity-law_exponent
- power-law-viscosity-law_reference_temperature
- power-per-area_density
- power-per-length_density
- power-per-volume_density
- power-to-weight_ratio
- practical-salinity-scale_salinity
- prandtl_number
- prater_number
- precise_orbital_speed
- precise_speed
- precise_transverse_speed
- presence
- presence_concentration
- pressure
- pressure_coefficient
- pressure_gradient_term
- pressure_head
- pressure_lapse_rate
- cost
- price
- price_index
- row_index
- column_index
- priestley-taylor_alpha_coefficient
- probability
- profit
- protection_factor
- psychrometric_constant
- pythagoras_constant
- q_factor
- r_coordinate
- radiant_emittance
- radiant_intensity
- radiated_seismic_energy
- radiation_stress
- radius
- rake_angle
- range_distance
- rayleigh_number
- reaction_enthalpy
- reaeration_coefficient
- rebound_hardness
- rectifying_latitude
- reduced_latitude
- reduced_planck_constant
- reference_depth
- reference_height
- reference_pressure
- reference_stomatal_resistance
- reference_temperature
- reflectance
- refraction_angle
- relative_fluorescence
- relative_smoothness_ratio
- relativistic_mass
- release_energy
- repose_angle
- energy_flux_fraction
- residual_volume_fraction
- stress_fraction
- daily_stress_fraction
- thermal-time-to-maturity_weighted_stress_fraction
- rest_mass
- revenue
- reworking_depth
- reynolds_number
- reynolds_stress
- richardson_number
- richter-magnitude_scale
- rockwell_scale
- rolling_resistance_coefficient
- roshko_number
- rossby_number
- rotational_inertia
- roughness_length
- rouse_number
- row-major-offset_index
- rydberg_constant
- s_coordinate
- safety_rating
- specific_saturation
- relative_saturation
- savings
- scalar_potential
- schmidt_number
- schwarzchild_radius
- scintillation_radioactivity
- scratch_hardness
- seating_capacity
- secchi_depth
- second_flattening_ratio
- second_radiation_constant
- seismic_energy
- seismic_moment
- seismic_moment_energy
- seismic_slip
- seismic_slip_angle
- seismic_slip_distance
- seismic_slip_duration
- seismic_slip_speed
- seismic_slip-rake_angle
- sensible_heat_aerodynamic_conductance
- net_sensible_heat_energy_flux
- sensible_heat_energy_flux
- sensible_heat_transfer_coefficient
- severity_code
- amplitude
- shape_factor
- shear_dynamic_viscosity
- shear_kinematic_viscosity
- eddy_viscosity
- shear_modulus
- shear_speed
- shear_strength
- shear_stress
- shear_velocity
- sherwood_number
- shields_critical_shear_stress
- shields_parameter
- shortwave_energy
- shreve_magnitude
- sidereal_period
- sierpinski_constant
- sieving_coefficient
- significant_height
- sinuosity
- size_fraction
- slip
- slip_distance
- slip_duration
- slip_ratio
- slope
- slope_angle
- slope-vs-discharge_coefficient
- slope-vs-discharge_exponent
- smith-parlange_gamma_parameter
- sodium-adsorption-ratio_sodicity
- sommerfeld_number
- sorptivity
- source_term
- south_coordinate
- span
- specific_absorbance
- specific_contributing_area
- specific_energy
- specific_gravity_ratio
- specific_kinetic_energy
- specific_potential_energy
- spectral_density
- spectral_per-wavelength_emittance
- speed_constant
- speed-vs-discharge_coefficient
- speed-vs-discharge_exponent
- stage_height
- stage_severity_code
- standard_gravitational_acceleration
- standard_plate_count_concentration
- standard_refractive_index
- stanton_number
- static_displacement
- static_energy
- static_friction_coefficient
- static_pressure
- static_pressure_lapse_rate
- static_stress
- stefan_number
- stefan-boltzmann_constant
- step_count
- stokes_drift_velocity
- stokes_number
- stokes_terminal_speed
- stomatal_resistance
- volume-per-area_density
- volume-per-area_capacity
- storage_volume
- instantaneous_storage_volume
- strain
- strain_rate
- streamfunction
- streamwise_coordinate
- strength
- stress
- strike_angle
- stroke_ratio
- strouhal_number
- stuart_number
- subtended_angle
- surface_tension
- synodic_period
- tangent-vector
- tangential_curvature
- taylor_number
- temperature
- temperature_lapse_rate
- frequency
- tensile_strength
- terminal_speed
- thermal_conductance
- thermal_conductivity
- thermal_diffusivity
- thermal_efficiency
- thermal_energy
- thermal_energy-per-volume_density
- thermal_inertia
- thermal_quality
- thermal_resistivity
- theta_coordinate
- thickness
- thickness-to-depth_ratio
- third_flattening_ratio
- effective_radiative_temperature
- threshold_temperature
- threshold-odor-number
- tilt_angle
- time
- time_fraction
- time_step
- time_step_count
- tolman-oppenheimer-volkoff-limit_mass
- topographic_wetness_index
- torque
- torque-per-volume_density
- torsion_angle
- transmissivity
- transmittance
- transverse_orbital_speed
- transverse_speed
- tritium_fluorescence
- turbidity_severity_code
- turbulent_kinetic_energy
- turbulent_kinetic_energy_diffusivity
- twin-prime_constant
- u_coordinate
- unique_count-per-hour_rate
- universal_gravitation_constant
- unspecified_coefficient
- unsteady_acceleration_term
- ursell_number
- usgs_hydrologic_unit_code
- v_coordinate
- vadasz_number
- van-genuchten_alpha_parameter
- van-genuchten_m_parameter
- van-genuchten_n_parameter
- vant-hoff_factor
- vapor_pressure
- vaporization_enthalpy
- variation_coefficient
- vehicle_identification_number
- velocity_head
- virtual_latitude
- virtual_longitude
- virtual_potential_temperature
- virtual_temperature
- viscosity_term
- viscous_stress
- visual_geometric_albedo
- voltage
- volume
- volume_concentration
- volume_dynamic_viscosity
- volume_flow_rate
- volume_flux
- volume_fraction
- volume_kinematic_viscosity
- volume_rate
- volume_ratio
- volume-flow-rate-law_area_exponent
- volume-flow-rate-law_coefficient
- volume-flow-rate-law_slope_exponent
- volume-per-length_rate
- volume-per-mass_concentration
- volume-per-width_rate
- volume-specific_heat_capacity
- volume-vs-area-law_coefficient
- volume-vs-area-law_exponent
- thermal_volume_expansion_coefficient
- von-karman_constant
- vorticity
- w_coordinate
- wage
- wallis_parameter
- wave_impedance
- wavelength
- weaver_flame_speed_number
- weber_number
- weight
- weight_fraction
- weissenberg_number
- west_coordinate
- wetted_area
- wetted_perimeter
- width
- width-vs-discharge_coefficient
- width-vs-discharge_exponent
- womersley_number
- x_coordinate
- y_coordinate
- year
- yield_stress
- young_modulus
- z_coordinate
- zeldovich_number
- zenith_angle
- distance-per-volume_efficiency
- ability
- absorptivity
- accountability
- activity
- adequacy
- affinity
- alkalinity
- alkylation
- area_type
- availability
- capacity
- charge
- chemical_composition
- classification
- completeness
- composition
- concentration
- conductance
- conductivity
- configuration
- connectivity
- coverage
- deficiency
- density
- direction
- diversity
- efficiency
- elasticity
- emittance
- equality
- equity
- exteroception
- fertility
- fluorescence
- frequency
- gender
- hardness
- hydrophilicity
- hydrophobicity
- identification
- identification_number
- immiscibility
- impedance
- inability
- inadequacy
- incidence
- independence
- inertia
- inhibition
- insecurity
- insolubility
- insufficiency
- intensity
- interoception
- ionization
- level
- lifetime
- liquidity
- magnitude
- maturity
- meagerness
- miscibility
- mode
- moment
- momentum
- mortality
- name
- network_name
- number
- odor
- order
- orientation
- paucity
- periodicity
- permeability
- permittivity
- persistence
- phase
- physical_state
- plasticity
- potential
- prevalence
- productivity
- proprioception
- quality
- radioactivity
- resilience
- resistance
- resistivity
- roughness
- safety
- salinity
- saturation
- scarcity
- security
- shortage
- sodicity
- solubility
- speed
- stability
- state
- storage
- susceptibility
- sustainability
- tension
- transparency
- transphilicity
- turbidity
- type
- valence
- velocity
- viscosity
- wavenumber
- wetness
- yield